About this Blog for the SUV Calss of 2016

Following a schedule initiated in April 2015, weekly posts on this blog highlight the prayer/intention of every student in the SUV 7th grade class. Prayers and intercessions are original works of the students. Their intentions are arranged over the course of one year to coincide with the feast days of their Patron Saints (chosen in the sacrament of Confirmation). Other intentions appeal to Guardian Angels or are especially fitting on special days of recognition, as indexed in the label column to the right of the blog page.

Prayers are posted here so that they can be observed remotely with intent to grow as a spiritual community through the power of collective thought.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Saint Andrew the Apostle (November 30)

Saint Andrew, Patron Saint of Fisherman, followed Jesus. Please help all fisherman and farmers so they may provide sustainable healthy food to all people throughout the world, especially for the poorest, the weakest and youngest among us, that they will be fulfilled, we pray to you Lord. Amen.
Christopher G.
The Calling of Saints Peter and Andrew by Caravaggio 

Learn about and pray the Saint Andrew Christmas Novena


Inside the church (Saint Andrew"s Cathedral in Patras, Greece) are kept relics of the apostle Saint Andrew, which consist of the small finger, part of the top of the cranium of the Apostle, and small portions of the cross on which he was martyred, all kept in a special shrine. The holy skull of the Apostle was sent there from St. Peter's Basilica, Rome in September 1964, on the orders of Pope Paul VI. Cardinal Bea led the party of 15 cardinals that presented the relic to Bishop Constantine of Patras on 24 September 1964. Thousands of people (among them prime minister George Papandreou) and many Greek Orthodox bishops participated in the reception ceremony of the precious skull. After a procession through the streets of the city, the precious skull was placed in a special silver mitre inside the church. The cross of. St. Andrew was taken from Greece during the Crusades by the Duke of Burgundy. Parts of the cross were kept since Middle Ages in the church of St. Victor in Marseilles. They were returned to Patras on 19 January 1980. ...

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Saint Cecelia, Patron Saint of Music (November 22)

People tend to get stressed out. Loving God, through Saint Cecilia, we pray we may stay calm and not make wrong decisions from anxiety.  Help us find peace through prayer and Your holy music.  Merciful God, hear our prayer. 

Since the time of the Renaissance she has usually been portrayed with a viola or a small organ. Read More about St Cecelia HERE

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Saint Elizabeth of Hungary (November 17)

Dear God, thank you for the Guardian Angels who help us to stay strong in even the hardest situations. Those without homes must be so strong to live like that especially through the winter. I pray that those who are homeless be given shelter, food, drink, and means of warmth. We pray to The Lord.  

In her short life Elizabeth manifested such great love for the poor and suffering that she has become the patroness of Catholic charities and of the Secular Franciscan Order. The daughter of the King of Hungary, Elizabeth chose a life of penance and asceticism when a life of leisure and luxury could easily have been hers.  Continued HERE  

More about St. Elizabeth HERE

Some of the saints were able to see angels, as St. Peter did (Acts 12:1-19), or to see their guardian angel, as St. Pio (Padre Pio) and St. Elizabeth of Hungary did.  She is also sometimes referred to as the Guardian Angel of Hungary.  More about Angels HERE.