About this Blog for the SUV Calss of 2016

Following a schedule initiated in April 2015, weekly posts on this blog highlight the prayer/intention of every student in the SUV 7th grade class. Prayers and intercessions are original works of the students. Their intentions are arranged over the course of one year to coincide with the feast days of their Patron Saints (chosen in the sacrament of Confirmation). Other intentions appeal to Guardian Angels or are especially fitting on special days of recognition, as indexed in the label column to the right of the blog page.

Prayers are posted here so that they can be observed remotely with intent to grow as a spiritual community through the power of collective thought.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Mary, Mother of Christ (January 1)

We may not understand God’s plan but we should trust in him as Mary, our Mother, did. Lord, help those who are weak, poor, or sorrowful to strengthen their spirit in God as Mary showed throughout her life. Help us to trust in God’s plan and to know that He is with us through the good and the bad.  We pray to you Lord, Amen.

Rachael H.

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Saint Stephen (Dec. 26)

Prayer to St. Stephen:

For those of us being persecuted for their beliefs, may they find salvation. 
For those in need of assistance, may the seek help from kind souls. 
For those seeking shelter and food, may they find refuge from the hardships of daily life. 
Loving Father, please grant us our requests, deliver us from every evil, and bring us everlasting life. 
In St. Stephen's name we pray, Amen. 

                                                               Sean B.