About this Blog for the SUV Calss of 2016

Following a schedule initiated in April 2015, weekly posts on this blog highlight the prayer/intention of every student in the SUV 7th grade class. Prayers and intercessions are original works of the students. Their intentions are arranged over the course of one year to coincide with the feast days of their Patron Saints (chosen in the sacrament of Confirmation). Other intentions appeal to Guardian Angels or are especially fitting on special days of recognition, as indexed in the label column to the right of the blog page.

Prayers are posted here so that they can be observed remotely with intent to grow as a spiritual community through the power of collective thought.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Saint Christina of Bolsena (July 24)

Dear God,

In honor of St. Christina, please pray for all of the people who gave up their life for God.  Please pray for all people that St. Christina watches over and lead them through life happily. Also, please pray for any person who is going through a tough time in life. St. Christina had a terrible father who didn’t allow Christina to follow Christ, but she put aside all the horrible things that her father did to her because she had the strongest faith in God. St. Christina was a strong leader to all the people who may not be accepted for their religion, but she showed people that it is always possible, so I pray for all the people like my Saint.  Amen.

Mary F.
Tradition says that Christina was a girl of 13 or 14 who died for her faith around 300 A.D."[8].  The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist in Cleveland, Ohio claims "In the Resurrection Chapel, below the altar, is the reliquary of St. Christine, including her entire skeleton and small vial of her blood. The relics were presented to Archbishop Schrembs in 1928 by Pope Pius XI.

Learn more about Saint Christina of Bolsena  (aka St Christina of Tyre) , the Patron Saint of archers, mariners and millers HEREHERE and HERE; not to be confused with Christina the Astonishing, (aka Saint Christina Mirabilis), the Patron Saint of psychiatrists, and mentally ill and against insanity.   


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