About this Blog for the SUV Calss of 2016

Following a schedule initiated in April 2015, weekly posts on this blog highlight the prayer/intention of every student in the SUV 7th grade class. Prayers and intercessions are original works of the students. Their intentions are arranged over the course of one year to coincide with the feast days of their Patron Saints (chosen in the sacrament of Confirmation). Other intentions appeal to Guardian Angels or are especially fitting on special days of recognition, as indexed in the label column to the right of the blog page.

Prayers are posted here so that they can be observed remotely with intent to grow as a spiritual community through the power of collective thought.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A Back-to-School Intercession to Saint Isidore (April 4), Patron of the Internet

Dear Saint Isidore,

For those who are all suffering from cyber bulling, comfort them in their prayer. For those who are the cyber bullies, let them realize the true faith of God and turn to a Catholic faith. Let us pray to the Lord and to you Saint Isidore to hear my prayer and bring it to God.
Jack S.
As an educator, Isidore was a man ahead of his time. Instead of just a classical education, he was a proponent who thought education should include all areas of knowledge – liberal arts, law, the languages of Greek and Hebrew, medicine and philosophy. His most important achievement as an educator was the compilation of the Etymologies or Origins, an encyclopedia that brought together all knowledge of the time. In 1997, Pope St. John Paul II, decided that the Internet needed a patron saint, he declared that St. Isidore of Seville should be that saint. As of April 2014, the Vatican has not made this official.  Source

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Saint Rose of Lima (August 23)

Saint Rose of Lima, the Patron Saint of Latin America and the Philippines, followed Jesus. Please help those who only see true beauty of themselves to notice that beauty isn’t really important to God, the beauty of loving God is important. God, we pray that those who care about themselves will soon realize there are poor, and sick people who are in need of help out in the world and that those people change and help those people, we ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.
                                                                                  Anna G.

Saint Rose of Lima, Patron saint of Latin America and the Philippines, please protect the people living in the Philippines and Latin America. Protect them against hurricanes, Typhoons and Tsunamis. Also, please protect them from hunger, we pray to the Lord, Amen. 

Marlee R.
More about St. Rose of Lima and about the artist of this icon HERE.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Back-to- School Dedication and Prayer to Guardian Angels

This post is dedicated to students going to new schools.  

Students are anxious and worried about school. May they find the wisdom and peace of mind to get through it. Let us pray to the Lord.

 Libby M.
Guardian Angel Prayer

Angel of God, My Guardian Dear,
to whom His love commits me here,
ever this day be at my side,
to light and to guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

Friday, August 14, 2015

The Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary

The Rosary helps us to pray to Jesus through Mary. The four sets of  mysteries, are prayed on the following days":
Joyful Mysteries -  Monday & Saturday
Sorrowful Mysteries - Tuesday & Friday
Glorious Mysteries - Wednesday & Sunday
Luminous Mysteries - Thursday
The Glorious Mysteries are:
  1. The Resurrection
    God the Father raises Jesus from the dead.
  2. The Ascension
    Jesus returns to his Father in heaven.
  3. The Coming of the Holy Spirit
    The Holy Spirit comes to bring new life to the disciples.
  4. The Assumption of Mary
    At the end of her life on earth, Mary is taken body and soul into heaven.
  5. The Coronation of Mary
    Mary is crowned as Queen of Heaven and Earth.

The Loyola Press is the source for this post, and guide to praying the rosary.   


Feast of the Assumption (August 15)


Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Saint Clare (August 11)

detail of a stained glass window of Saint Clare of Assisi; date unknown, artist unknown; church of Saint Stephen, South Kensington, London, England; photographed on 22 December 2014 by Oxfordian Kissuth; swiped from Wikimedia Commons
Saint Clare
St. Clare, Patron Saint of sore eyes, help the poor and guide them and make sure they are safe. Look after them with their decisions. Protect them from all harm coming their way. Guide all their decisions and help them choose the right choice. If they are experiencing hardship give them something to look forward to. We pray to the Lord, Amen
          Lauren F.

The feast day of St. Clare of Assisi (August 11) is in the same month as National Immunization Month. Healthy Children.org, sponsored by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) provides more information about the importance of vaccines for every age as well as other general information related to child health, specific guidance on parenting issues, and suggestions for getting involved in your community. The links offer insight into what organizations are doing to help​ children and families and why this issue is important to children around the world.​​  As exemplified by St. Clare and her followers, known as the Poor Clares, the AAP encourages pediatricians, parents, caregivers and communities to consider what can be done to help lift children and families above hunger and poverty.  Perhaps it will inspire you in your pursuit of community service, or even lifelong careers involving service to others.

Saint Clare of Assisi (August 11)

Saint Clare, watch over the fire fighters, police officers, soldiers, and those who help make our country safer while they do their duties.  May you look upon them and see their goodness and bless them and their families. Amen.

                                                     Kaitlynn H.

St. Clare is the patron saint of television and television writers. Reporters need our prayers, especially those who cover stories about victims confronting catastrophic events or violence, including the first responders at the scenes.   For protection of police and firefighters, Michael the Archangel and St. Florian are commonly invoked. St. Martin and St. George are patrons of soldiers. During civil unrest and turbulent times as we've experienced in our home town and abroad, that we see in the media, we can also pray to St. Andrew of Corsini for peace...

St. Andrew Corsini, patron against civil disorder and riots, intercede, we pray, for all those that are caught up in the unrest and rioting caused by the evil in men's hearts. For those suffering in Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, the Sudan, Ferguson, MO and many other places in the world today, both near to and far from home, we pray that love and peace will prevail in the Lord's name. Amen. 

God our Father, you reveal that those who work for peace will be called your children. Through the prayers of St. Andrew Corsini, who excelled as a peacemaker help us to work without ceasing for that justice which brings truth and lasting peace. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.