About this Blog for the SUV Calss of 2016

Following a schedule initiated in April 2015, weekly posts on this blog highlight the prayer/intention of every student in the SUV 7th grade class. Prayers and intercessions are original works of the students. Their intentions are arranged over the course of one year to coincide with the feast days of their Patron Saints (chosen in the sacrament of Confirmation). Other intentions appeal to Guardian Angels or are especially fitting on special days of recognition, as indexed in the label column to the right of the blog page.

Prayers are posted here so that they can be observed remotely with intent to grow as a spiritual community through the power of collective thought.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

A Back-to-School Intercession to Saint Isidore (April 4), Patron of the Internet

Dear Saint Isidore,

For those who are all suffering from cyber bulling, comfort them in their prayer. For those who are the cyber bullies, let them realize the true faith of God and turn to a Catholic faith. Let us pray to the Lord and to you Saint Isidore to hear my prayer and bring it to God.
Jack S.
As an educator, Isidore was a man ahead of his time. Instead of just a classical education, he was a proponent who thought education should include all areas of knowledge – liberal arts, law, the languages of Greek and Hebrew, medicine and philosophy. His most important achievement as an educator was the compilation of the Etymologies or Origins, an encyclopedia that brought together all knowledge of the time. In 1997, Pope St. John Paul II, decided that the Internet needed a patron saint, he declared that St. Isidore of Seville should be that saint. As of April 2014, the Vatican has not made this official.  Source

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